Spring 2025 NYU Consortium Classes

 Last Updated: January 3, 2025

Courses are subject to changes and cancellations. For a PDF version of the courses with descriptions, please click here. 

Through the New York City Consortium for Latin American Studies, master's students from New York University and Columbia are allowed to take pre-approved courses each semester. These courses below are approved by the Institute of Latin American Studies for SIPA and MARSLAC students to cross-register in SPRING 2025. These courses must be registered via a form starting the week before the classes start.  You will also obtain a call number to add at Columbia. Please see your instructor and follow the instructions on the registration form. Note that spring semester classes at NYU will start on Tuesday, January 21 and end on Monday, May 6, 2025. 

    Approved Consortium Classes at NYU

    LACTC-GA 11 - Elementary Quechua II
    Day/Time: Monday, Wednesday, Friday, 11:00am - 12:15pm
    Prof. Odi Gonzalez
    Location: 181 Mercer Room 327

    Quechua is the most important and most widely distributed indigenous language in South America, with about 10 million speakers living from the high mountains to the tropical lowlands in Colombia (where the language is called Ingano), Ecuador (where it is called kichwa or runa shimi, "human speech"), Peru, Bolivia, and Argentina (where it is usually spelled Quechua and called, by its speakers, runa simi). Studying Quechua opens a window onto alternative ways of thinking about social worlds, about space and time, family, and humans' relationship with the natural world. Quechua is recommended for students anticipating travel to the Andean region, those interested in language and linguistics, and those interested in indigenous literatures and cultures. Students who satisfactorily complete introductory Quechua will be well-prepared for intensive summer study at one of many summer study abroad programs in Ecuador, Peru, and Bolivia that will put them in closer contact with the indigenous world.

    LACTC-GA – 2965-001 – Elementary Haitian Creole II
    Day/Time: Monday, Wednesday, Friday, 12:30pm – 1:15pm
    Prof. Wynnie Lamour
    Location: Silver, Room 409

    These courses introduce students to the language of Haitian Kreyòl, also called Creole, and is
    intended for students with little or no prior knowledge of the language. Haitian Kreyòl is spoken by Haiti’s population of nine million and by about one million Haitians in the U.S. Including over 190,000 in the New York City area. In fact, New York City has the second largest population of Kreyòl Speakers after Port-au-Prince, Haiti’s capital. Through this course, you will develop introductory speaking, reading, and writing skills. We use a communicative approach, balanced with grammatical and phonetic techniques. Classroom and textbook materials are
    complemented by work with film, radio, and especially music (konpa, rasin, twoubadou, rap, raga, levanjil, vodou tradisyonèl, etc.), as well as with resources from city museums and institutions related to Haiti.


    LATC-GA 1017: Government and Politics of Latin America
    Instructor: Patricio Navia
    Date/time: Tuesday, 4:55pm - 7:25pm
    Location: KJCC 404

    This class explores the government and politics of Latin America from the 1990s to the present, with a focus on the degree to which countries in the region have succeeded in consolidating democracy since the end of the Cold War. In the 1990s, countries embraced—with different levels of enthusiasm—the Washington Consensus neo-liberal economic reforms, and electoral Democracy became the norm in the region. Many believed Latin America had finally left behind a past of political instability, military coups, populism, revolutionary movements and radical political change. However, consolidating democracy proved to be much more difficult than attaining electoral democracy. In the course we will see that, for the most part, Latin American countries have failed to develop strong institutions and a strong civil society, two characteristics that are often associated with consolidated democracies. The period from 2003 to 2012 (financial crisis notwithstanding) brought unprecedented levels of economic growth in Latin America. The terms of trade were overwhelmingly positive for developing nations. Yet, growth did not result in substantial reductions in poverty and inequality. Why is inequality so persistent in the region? If the good years did not help consolidate democracy, can we expect democracy to fare well in bad years? Although there were problems of democratic consolidation in Peru, Ecuador, and Argentina in the mid 1990s, the election of Hugo Chávez in Venezuela in 1998 seemed to signal broader obstacles and problems for insufficiently consolidated democracies in Latin America. After Chávez, different challenges to democratic consolidation have appeared in Bolivia, Ecuador, Peru, Argentina, Nicaragua, Colombia, Brazil, and Mexico. Are there similarities among them? Are they radically different? Are there regional patterns that we can identify? Through discussion of Latin American history and democratic theory, we will explore different challenges to democratic consolidation in Latin America.

    LATC-GA 1045: International Human Rights: Latin America
    Date/Time: Thursdays, 5:00pm - 8:00pm
    Instructor: Peter Lucas
    Location: KJCC 404

    In this graduate seminar, students will examine human rights case studies in Latin America, popular resistance and social movements in Latin America, the role of media and representation in reporting and promoting human rights, and educational initiatives for human rights. We will especially study the many choices society has after collective violence. Latin America remains a fascinating region to study human rights as the last two decades have stood out as a period of reckoning and bearing witness of past atrocities. In the wake of serious violence, countries continue to struggle with issues of justice, reconciliation, truth, remembering, and healing. Over the years there have been many different responses to collective violence in Latin America and these strategies continue to evolve and change. This course will study the range of these responses not only to reconcile human rights violations of the past but also to build a culture of human rights and peace in the future.

    LATC-GA 2590: Critical Voices in Environmental & Racial Justice
    Date/Time: Tuesday 2:00pm - 4:30pm
    Instructor: Leo Douglas
    Location: KJCC Room 404

    These courses introduce students to the language of Haitian Kreyòl, also called Creole, and is
    intended for students with little or no prior knowledge of the language. Haitian Kreyòl is spoken by Haiti’s population of nine million and by about one million Haitians in the U.S. Including over 190,000 in the New York City area. In fact, New York City has the second largest population of Kreyòl Speakers after Port-au-Prince, Haiti’s capital. Through this course, you will develop introductory speaking, reading, and writing skills. We use a communicative approach, balanced with grammatical and phonetic techniques. Classroom and textbook materials are complemented by work with film, radio, and especially music (konpa, rasin, twoubadou, rap, raga, levanjil, vodou tradisyonèl, etc.), as well as with resources from city museums and institutions related to Haiti. 

    How to Register

    1. Read the detailed list of approved courses and select a course.
    2. Contact Eliza Kwon-Ahn at ILAS with any questions on Columbia administrative matters.
    3. If necessary, contact the CLACS Office at NYU for instructions on completing administrative matters there:

      Dylon Robbins, Director
      King Juan Carlos I of Spain Center (KJCC)
      53 Washington Square South, Floor 4W
    4. Download and print the CU-NYU Cross Registration Form.
    5. Complete and sign the form.  
    6. Please obtain a call number for CU registration

    Important Details

    • You will need to attend the first day of the class at NYU to obtain all the requirements. 
    • The spring 2025 semester at NYU will start on Tuesday, January 21
    • The ILAS-CLACS consortium agreement is only for students in MARSLAC and SIPA program.  Students in other programs at the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences are not eligible to register for these courses. Students at other schools must consult their school policies.