
The minor in Regional Studies in Latin America is designed to allow undergraduates to develop an interdisciplinary understanding of major issues in the region, such as political processes, historical developments, social changes, and crucial problems cutting across the hemisphere that require social scientific and historical grounding. The research seminar is a crucial component in providing students with the opportunity to apply the knowledge they have learned to a topic in the region. A minimum of 15 credits (a total of 5 courses) is needed to fulfill the requirements for the Minor in Regional Studies in Latin America.

Requirements for the Minor

The minimum number of credits is 15 (a total of 5 courses).


At least one (1) course from the following four (4) courses. 

  1. HIST UN2660:     Latin American civilization, I
  2. HIST UN2661:     Latin American civilization, II
  3. LACV CC1020:    Primary Texts of Latin American Civilization
  4. POLS GU4461:    Latin American Politics

At least two (2) from the following ten (10) courses.

  1. ASFB GU4100:  Slavery and Freedom in Latin America
  2. CLEN GU4644:  Revolution in/on the Caribbean
  3. HIST UN1786:  History of the City in Latin America
  4. HIST UN2618:  The Modern Caribbean
  5. HIST BC2676:  Reproducing Inequalities: Families in Latin America
  6. HIST BC2681:  Women and Gender in Latin America
  7. HIST GU4301:  Politics and Justice in Latin America through Crime Fiction
  8. POLS UN3560:  Political Urban Development in Latin America
  9. POLS V3565:  Drugs and Politics in the Americas
  10. SPAN UN3300:  Advanced Language through Content (with Latin American focus)

Students will take one 3000/4000 seminar course in any department with DUS approval to develop an in-depth topic in the region.