Specialization and Certificate in Latin American Studies
Foreign Language and Regional Specialization for SIPA Students
Students in the Master of International Affairs (MIA) program may choose either Regional Specializations, which require completion of three approved regional courses, or the Foreign Language Specialization, which requires completion of two Intermediate-level language courses and one approved regional course in a matching region – e.g., Foreign Language Specialization in Latin American Studies could be fulfilled by completing Intermediate I & II Spanish and one course approved by Latin American Specialization (this is just an example, other possibilities for Latin America include Portuguese). Students must earn minimum grades required by the specific foreign language program in order to receive credit for each course. For further information about which languages fulfill each Specialization’s foreign language requirement, please consult the relevant regional Specialization curriculum director. Students are required to register for the Foreign Language Specialization before proceeding with coursework. In addition, all MIA students are required to submit a foreign language proficiency plan during their first semester – for more information, consult the Office of Student Affairs.
Foreign Language Specialization in Spanish, Portuguese or Quechua (through NYU courses)
- 1 language at intermediate level I
- 1 language at intermediate level II
- One area studies course at 4000 level or above
Regional Specialization in Latin America
A minimum of 3 courses and 9 credits at 4000 level or above
Certificate in Latin American Studies
ILAS offers a Certificate in Latin American Studies to enrolled graduate students who complete an interdisciplinary program in conjunction with their own departmental degrees. Requirements are as follows:
- 24 points of credit (8 courses) taken from among the courses listed by the Institute in anthropology, art history, economics, education, history, literature, political science, law, and urban planning. Students must select courses from four different departments or schools. One of these courses must be in advanced language or literature.
- Completion of all requirements for an advanced degree.
- A reading knowledge of both Spanish and Portuguese, plus demonstrated ability to write and speak one of these languages. Students are expected to pass at least one language examination by the end of their first year and another by the end of their second year. No course credit toward the certificate is given for introductory or intermediate language study.
Download the Latin America Regional Certificate form.
For more information, contact Senior Manager of Business and Student Affairs Eliza Kwon-Ahn.