Spring 2022

 Last Updated: December 20, 2021

Courses are subject to changes and cancellations. Consult the Directory of Classes for the most up-to-date information.

For a preliminary list of courses in PDF format, please click here.


Call Number: 14341 
Points: 4   View in Vergil
Day/Time: W 2:10pm-4:00pm 
Location: To be announced
Instructor: Prof. Isabella Cosse

Description: The course presents new approaches for revisiting the study of this key period, moving away from more conventional angles to focus on global dynamics by looking at Latin America through the lens of sexuality and family. From this perspective, it will map out different problems and it will prompt a stimulating debate, allowing for discussions on generational as well as gender clashes, everyday life, and affective and emotional bonds, but also on the political strategies of the forces in conflict, public policies and cultural interventions. Discussions will underline interpretative and methodological dilemmas in relation with the historical reconstruction. Particularly, it will consider the relation between political and socio-cultural processes and the connection between the “longue durée” and contingency of the historical events.

The course will allow students to explore these problems by themselves and promote their active participation, requesting different type of production from them such as oral intervention, an essay, etc. To sum up, this course offers the opportunity to rethink the Cold War, which still stir sensitivities and which is part of the political agenda even today, in a deeper and more complex way.

Spring 2022 Portuguese GU4468: Race, Law, and Culture in Latin America

Call Number: 13746 
Points: 3   View in Vergil
Day/Time: MW 11:40am-12:55pm 
Location: 802 International Affairs Building
Instructor: Silvio L. de Almeida, Tinker Visiting Professor

Description: This interdisciplinary course explores how the socio-economic, cultural, and legal foundations, institutions, and politics of the Latin America were shaped by the legacy of slavery and structural racism. It covers the origin of the political and juridical systems of selected Latin American countries, including Haiti, Cuba, and Brazil, with a focus on how race set the limits of and impeded the exercise of popular citizenship. Adopting an Afro-diasporic perspective, more specifically the idea of “Amefricanidade” (by Lelia Gonzalez), the course will illuminate the political and cultural situation in Latin American and Caribbean countries.

The definition of law used in this course is not limited to understanding law as a “system of rules”. We will work on law as part of the historical dynamics of socioeconomic life and culture in the Latin American countries analyzed. Thus, the course will analyze more specifically how race relations and practices of popular citizenship have shaped legal and extralegal spheres, including ways that cultural production, performance, and embodied practices have reshaped and negotiated Latin America's legal systems.

The course will provide an overview of the relationship between racial issues and the formation of legal institutions in Latin America, with an emphasis on Brazil, Cuba and Haiti, given the strong African presence, black culture, African diasporic religiosity, and the socioeconomic impacts of slavery and structural racism in the social formation of these countries, which can serve as a comparative model for analysis with other countries in Latin America and the Southern United States

Spring 2022 Curriculum & Teaching 5199: Latin American Educational Thought: Social and Cultural Traditions and Quarrels

Call Number: 59597
Points: 3   
Day/Time: Thursday 7:20pm - 9:00pm
Instructor: Pablo Pineau, Tinker Visiting Professor

Description: The aim of this course is to analyze the debates about the “originality” and “autonomy” of pedagogical thought in a long series of Latin American educational initiatives and reflections from the times of Independence in the early 19th Century to the present. The goal is not to search for an “immanent essence” or a “true nature” to be conserved, but rather as a heavily-invested issue that demands to be problematized through different approaches in the frame both of regional and trans-national politics, and cultural and educational debates, where historical and theoretical research seems to be privileged. 

Spring 2022 International Affairs U6774: Public Policy & Inequality in Developing

Call Number: 14513 
Points: 3   View in Vergil
Day/Time: Friday 2:10pm - 4:00pm
Instructor: Marcelo Medeiros & Arminio Fraga

Description: A proper development strategy must be inclusive and sustainable. Policies to fight poverty, alleviate all inequalities, and promote social mobility are the focus of this course. It deals with emerging and persistent issues in developing countries: the design of a social safety net, biodiversity and sustainability, education, gender and racial inequalities, public health, labor policies, fiscal and social responsibility, the distributive aspects of fiscal policy, taxation, and government size and efficiency. The course combines problem-based learning and lectures.

Spring 2022 Architecture A4389: (UN)MODERN: EX-CENTRIC LATINX SPATIAL PR

Section 001
Call Number: 14255 
Points: 3   View in Vergil
Day/Time: M 11:00am-1:00pm 
Location: 115 Avery Hall
Notes: HIST- NON WESTERN , Post-1800, S/E
Instructor: Luis Carranza

Spring 2022 Art History GR8732: Migration and Contemporary Art

Section 001
Call Number: 15176 
Points: 4   View in Vergil
Day/Time: R 2:10pm-4:00pm 
Location: 930 Schermerhorn Hall [SCH]
Notes: APPLY BY 5PM JAN. 7TH: https://forms.gle/Ae96rXnm6UrtfMuV7
Instructor: Alexander Alberro

Spring 2022 International & Transcultural Studies 4060: Latinx in Urban Schools

Section 001
Call Number: 59727 
Points: 3   
Day/Time: W 5:10pm – 6:50pm 
Location: To be announced

Spring 2022 International & Transcultural Studies 5012: The Anthropology of the Caribbean and Postcolonial Society

Section 001
Call Number: 59693 
Points: 3 
Day/Time: W 3:00pm – 5:00pm 
Location: To be announced
Instructor: E Gundaker

Spring 2022 Art & Humanities (A&HB) 5020: Curriculum & Instruction: Inclusive Bilingual Education and Issues of (Dis)Abilities

Section 001
Call Number: 59605 
Points: 3   
Day/Time: R 5:10pm – 6:50pm 
Location: To be announced
Instructor: P Martinez Alvarez

Spring 2022 Curriculum & Teaching 5199: Latin American Educational Thought: Social and Cultural Traditions and Quarrels

Section 001
Call Number: 59597 
Points: 3  
Day/Time: R 7:20pm – 9:00pm 
Location: To be announced
Instructor: Pablo Pineau


Spring 2022 Ethnicity and Race, Center for Study of GU4003: Ethnicity, Race, & Gender in Latin America

Section 001
Call Number: 15350 
Points: 4   View in Vergil
Day/Time: F 10:10am-12:00pm 
Location: To be announced
Notes: Priority to CSER students
Instructor: Renzo Aroni

Spring 2022 Ethnicity and Race, Center for Study of GU4350: CINEMA OF SUBVERSION

Section 001
Call Number: 10717 
Points: 3   View in Vergil
Day/Time: R 4:10pm-6:00pm 
Location: 311 Fayerweather
Instructor: Eric Gamalinda

Spring 2022 Portuguese GU4468: Race, Law, and Culture in Latin America (cross listed from Portuguese)

Section 001
Call Number: 13746 
Points: 3   View in Vergil
Day/Time: MW 11:40am-12:55pm 
Location: 505 Casa Hispánica
Instructor: Silvio L. de Almeida, Tinker Visiting Professor

Spring 2022 Ethnicity and Race, Center for Study of GU4484: CULTURAL RIGHTS AS HUM RIGHTS

Section 001
Call Number: 10722 
Points: 4   View in Vergil
Day/Time: R 4:10pm-6:00pm 
Location: 707 Hamilton Hall
Instructor: Elsa Stamatopoulou


Section 001
Call Number: 14341 
Points: 4   View in Vergil
Day/Time: W 2:10pm-4:00pm 
Location: To be announced
Instructor: Prof. Isabella Cosse, Tinker Visiting Professor


Spring 2022 History GR6998: History of the City in Latin America

Section 002
Call Number: 17008 
Points: 4   View in Vergil
Day/Time: MW 10:10am-11:25am 
Location: To be announced
Notes: Grad section for HIST UN1786
Instructor: Amy E Chazkel

Spring 2022 History GR6999: Global Urban History of Housing Justice

Section 005
Call Number: 17009 
Points: 4   View in Vergil
Day/Time: M 4:10pm-6:00pm 
Location: To be announced
Notes: Grad section for HIST UN3241
Instructor: Amy E Chazkel

Spring 2022 History GR8907 (pending Lat Am content): COLONIAL CITIES

Section 001
Call Number: 13282 
Points: 4   View in Vergil
Day/Time: R 2:10pm-4:00pm 
Location: 311 Fayerweather
Instructor: Zeynep Celik

Spring 2022 History GR8924: RESISTANCE & THE BLK ATLANTIC

Section 001
Call Number: 13038 
Points: 4   View in Vergil
Day/Time: T 2:10pm-4:00pm 
Location: 327 Uris Hall
Instructor: Natasha J Lightfoot




Spring 2022 International Affairs U4410: Political, Social & Economic Development

Section 001
Call Number: 10536 
Points: 1.5   View in Vergil
Day/Time: W 6:10pm-8:00pm 
Location: 802 International Affairs Building
Notes: Course meets alternate weeks, full semester
Instructor: Sidney N Nakahodo

Spring 2022 International Affairs U6039: International Banking

Section 001
Call Number: 10542 
Points: 3   View in Vergil
Day/Time: R 2:10pm-4:00pm 
Location: 801 International Affairs Building
Instructor: Irene E Finel-Honigman

Spring 2022 International Affairs U6085: Economic Development in Latin America

Section 001
Call Number: 10548 
Points: 3   View in Vergil
Day/Time: T 9:00am-10:50am 
Location: 801 International Affairs Building
Instructor: Jose A Ocampo

Spring 2022 International Affairs U6125: Scale Up Ventures: Growing a Business Ou

Section 001
Call Number: 10553 
Points: 3   View in Vergil
Day/Time: M 6:10pm-8:00pm 
Location: 801 International Affairs Building
Enrollment: 0 students (25 max) as of November 12, 2021
Instructor: Fernando Fabre

Spring 2022 International Affairs U6376: Transnational LGBTI Rights

Section 001
Call Number: 10579 
Points: 1.5   View in Vergil
Day/Time: T 9:00am-10:50am 
Location: 402B International Affairs Building
Notes: Spring 2022 Course Dates: March 8 - April 26
Instructor: Graeme Reid

Spring 2022 International Affairs U6391: Conflict Resolution

Section 001
Call Number: 10583 
Points: 3   View in Vergil
Day/Time: W 11:00am-12:50pm 
Location: 407 International Affairs Building
Notes: ICR Students Receive Priority
Instructor: Adam Day

Spring 2022 International Affairs U6438: Persistent Problems in the Global South:

Section 001
Call Number: 10588 
Points: 3   View in Vergil
Day/Time: R 6:10pm-8:00pm 
Location: 324 International Affairs Building
Notes: EPD Students Receive Priority
Instructor: Rumela Sen

Spring 2022 International Affairs U6499: Human Rights and Humanitarian Policy Pra

Section 001
Call Number: 10589 
Points: 1.5   View in Vergil
Day/Time: R 4:10pm-6:00pm 
Location: 801 International Affairs Building
Notes: Spring 2022 Course Dates: March 10 - April 28
Instructor: Elazar Barkan

Spring 2022 Regional Institute U6621: The Brazilian Political System

Section 001
Call Number: 10669 
Points: 1.5   View in Vergil
Day/Time: TR 4:10pm-6:00pm 
Location: To be announced
Notes: Spring 2022 Course Dates: TBD
Instructor: Murillo de Aragao

Spring 2022 International Affairs U6636: Emerging Financial Systems: Brazil, Mexico

Section 001
Call Number: 10605 
Points: 3   View in Vergil
Day/Time: M 4:10pm-6:00pm 
Location: 501A International Affairs Building
Instructor: Fernando Sotelino

Spring 2022 International Affairs U6774: Public Policy & Inequality in Developing

Section 001
Call Number: 14513 
Points: 3   View in Vergil
Day/Time: F 2:10pm - 4:00pm

Spring 2022 International Affairs U8675: Emerging Capital Markets: Theory & Pract

Section 001
Call Number: 10633 
Points: 3   View in Vergil
Day/Time: T 6:10pm-8:00pm 
Location: To be announced
Notes: Pre-req: Macroecon Analysis; IFEP Students Receive Priority
Instructors: Jorge Mariscal and Alejo E Czerwonko Pupi

Spring 2022 Latin American, Caribbean, Regional Studies GR6401: LIT/RES-LAT AMER/CARIB STUD II

Section 001
Call Number: 11889 
Points: 4   View in Vergil
Day/Time: W 2:10pm-4:00pm 
Location: 802 International Affairs Building
Instructor: Gustavo S Azenha

Spring 2022 Latin American, Caribbean, Regional Studies GR8450: PERSPECTVE ON LAT AMER STUDIES

Section 001
Call Number: 11898 
Points: 1-2   View in Vergil
Instructor: Gustavo S Azenha

Spring 2022 Music GU4407: Songs and Sounds of Protest of Latin America

Section 001
Call Number: 13024 
Points: 3   View in Vergil
Day/Time: W 12:10pm-2:00pm 
Location: 701C Dodge Hall
Instructor: Mario R Cancel-Bigay

Spring 2022 Political Science GU4436: POPULISM IN EUROPE AND THE WORLD

Section 001
Call Number: 15217 
Points: 4   View in Vergil
Day/Time: W 2:10pm-4:00pm 
Location: To be announced
Instructor: Paula Ganga

Spring 2022 Human Rights GU4930: INT'L HUMANITARIAN LAW/HUM RGT

Section 001
Call Number: 11976 
Points: 4   View in Vergil
Day/Time: W 10:10am-12:00pm 
Location: 329 Uris Hall
Instructor: Bruce L Cronin


Section 001
Call Number: 13163 
Points: 4   View in Vergil
Day/Time: M 4:10pm-6:00pm 
Location: 711 International Affairs Building
Instructor: Karuna Mantena



Spring 2022 Portuguese GU4468: Race, Law, and Culture in Latin America

Section 001
Call Number: 13746 
Points: 3   View in Vergil
Day/Time: MW 11:40am-12:55pm 
Location: 505 Casa Hispánica
Notes: Instructor: Silvio L. de Almeida, Tinker Visiting Professor



*Portuguese and Spanish are found under the Department of Latin American and Iberian Cultures (formerly known as the Department of Spanish and Portuguese