The Law's Cheapest Meat
Topic of discussion: Decolonizing Legal Responses to Necropolitics
The event will debate an ongoing project by Professor Amparo entilted “The Law's Cheapest Meat: Decolonizing Legal Responses to Necropolitics”. By dissecting the oral debates and written petitions of the main case on police violence before Brazil's Supreme Court, Amparo seeks to reconstruct the arguments brought before the Court by black lawyers and activists to decolonize the view, common in the mainstream legal narrative, which sees those actors only as victims, asking to what extent the speeches before the Supreme Court reveal subaltern and powerful views on the role of the Law and the justice system in combating the government of death and what futures these actors dream of.
- Thiago Amparo
- Professor at FGV Law School and International Relations School (Brazil)
- Post-doctoral fellow at NYU - New York University (Fall 2021)
- Co-founder and director of FGV's Center on Racial Justice and Law (Brazil)
- Kendall Thomas
- Nash Professor of Law
- Director of Studio for Law and Culture at Columbia University
Moderator: Gustavo Azenha (Executive Director of ILAS)
Research draft for discussion - DO NOT CITE.