
Past Event

Monthly Seminar series on Corruption & Impunity (Session 3)

December 7, 2022
12:00 PM - 2:00 PM

Session 3: “Are the International Integrity Standards and Risk Measurement Assessments Considering Procurement Network Ecosystems?”

In this session, we will discuss procurement ecosystems, in which interactions between business personnel and government agencies shape networks in bidding and award processes.

Join us for a debate on how global integrity efforts can integrate network analysis and a systemic approach to the complex phenomenon of procurement standards.

José R. Nicolás-Carlock, Physics Institute, UNAM
Gloria de la Fuente, Escuela de Gobierno, UC
Laura Córdoba-Reyes, Public Sector Integrity Division, OECD

Issa Luna-Pla, Moderator, ILAS Columbia University / UNAM


Click HERE to register.

*This event is virtual and will be conducted in Spanish*


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