This interdisciplinary reading group is a colloquium among peers, and dedicated but not limited to terms of intersectional discrimination, inequality, Human Rights, and colonial history. Depending on the participants, we present our own research, compare our reading lists, discuss authors such as Angela Davis, Aimé Césaire, Gloria Anzaldúa and Walter Mignolo, and make sure we get to a common ground in terms of current literary theory, political theory, history and philosophy. The discussions will have a special focus on Latin America, and be centered around key concepts such as Postcolonialism, Neocolonialism, Abolitionism and Decolonization.
This session will focus on Angela Davis' piece "Women, Race, & Class". It will be accompanied by Dr.
Joachim Küpper (Freie Universität Berlin). For access to the text, please contact Dr. Catarina von Wedemeyer at [email protected].
This meeting will take place through Zoom. To access this meeting, register below.