The transformation of Latin American feminisms in recent years into mass movements that can mobilize a million marchers in Buenos Aires and Santiago de Chile, successfully pressure the mostly male politicians into legalizing abortion in Argentina and establishing gender parity in Chile’s constitutional convention is among the most important happenings of the 21st century in Latin America.
Tamara Tenenbaum (Universidad de Buenos Aires) studied philosophy at the Universidad de Buenos Aires (UBA), where she now teaches. She is a prize-winning author, who has published acclaimed books in several genres – poetry, fiction, and essay, including her semi-autobiographical essay, El fin del amor (The End of Love), which has been called a generational manifesto.
Marysa Navarro Aranguren (Dartmouth College) is the Charles and Elfriede Collis Emerita Professor of History at Dartmouth College, where she taught Latin American history. She is also a past president of the Latin American Studies Association. She is a Resident Scholar at Harvard's David Rockefeller Center for Latin American Studies. Among her many publications, Evita, her biography of Eva Perón, and Women in Latin America and the Caribbean: Restoring Women to History, stand out as particularly relevant to the upcoming seminar on transformations of Argentine women’s roles, thinking and behavior.
This event will be via Zoom. Please email rapporteur Caitlin Liss ([email protected]) to register for the event and receive the Zoom link.