Amefrican Connections
1th Amefrican Dialogue colloquium and 4th Brazil-Peru meeting: Black women, decoloniality, and activism in Latin America
The leadership of Black women plays a central role in the construct of life in Latin America. Despite racism, patriarchy and classism, Black women in the continent have created alternative paths to liberate themselves, their families, and communities. Through different platforms such as activism, intellectual scholarship, religion, and culture, Black women in the diaspora claimed their full existence as human beings in a global and transdisciplinary process.
The Brazil-Peru meeting was created in 2012, aiming to expand the access of knowledge about Peru to a Brazilian audience. In our 4th edition, we expand beyond borders and embrace "amefricanity" as political act today. The 1th Amefrican Dialogue colloquium and 4th Brazil-Peru meeting challenge national borders, shedding light to Black women activism as global practice of solidarity towards liberation. Thus, we will deepen the idea of decolonization of the Latin American studies from the Black women perspectives.
Amefrican connections against epistemic racism in Latin American and the Caribbean
Oct. 6th from 6-8pm
This panel demystifies the academic writing and unmasks the epistemic racism in Latin American universities, based on the process of editing the Revista Conexión's special issue "Media narratives of insurgencies, resistance, and anti-racism in Latin and the Caribbean'' (2021). This issue addresses the academic writing and publishing process as a platform for Amefrican connections led by Black women from Brazil, Peru and Venezuela.
- Dr. Meyby Ugueto-Ponce - researcher at Laboratorio de Antropología del Desarrollo of the Instituto Venezolano de Investigaciones Científicas; Instituto de Investigaciones sobre África y su Diáspora; activist of Trenzas Insurgents - colectivo de mujeres negras, afrovenezolanas y afrodescendientes.
- M.A Sharún Gonzalez Matute - Professor at Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú; researcher at Institute for the Study of Latin America and the Caribbean at University of South Florida; Afroperuavian activist.
- Dr. Camila Daniel - Tinker visiting professor at Columbia University; professor at Universidade Federal Rural do Rio de Janeiro; activist-researcher.