Over the span of three generations, the popular 1970's television show El Chavo del Ocho has been entertaining audiences across Latin America and beyond with humorous images of childhood and community, but which taught at the same time about the true value of human connections. What are those teachings? Why is El Chavo still latent in the region's popular imaginary?
50 years after the show's debut, the Cine Club at the Center for Mexico and Central America, in partnership with the K-12 Outreach Program at ILAS, and the Latinx and Latin American Faculty Working Group at Teachers College, Columbia University, invite you to join Professors Daniel Friedrich and Erica Colmenares (Resonances of El Chavo del Ocho in Latin American Childhood, Schooling and Societies, 2017, Bloomsbury Press) as they discuss El Chavo's socio-cultural impact on contemporary Latin America, with a special focus on education.