2023 ILAS Graduate Internship Travel Grant

About You
Current Home Address
About Your Internship
Letters of Recommendation

One letter of recommendation is requested in support of applications. Faculty should submit the recommendation as Word or PDF document to Eliza Kwon-Ahn, Senior Manager of Business & Student Affairs, at [email protected].   It is the responsibility of the applicant to reach out to faculty to request a letter of recommendation and to provide the email address (you should give faculty a minimum of two week advance notice). 

Application Material Submission
Please make sure that all the items below are attached as one PDF form on the following order:
Upload requirements
By checking the box, I agree that I meet the following qualifications for this travel grant application:

I am a graduate student at Columbia University and I will graduate after summer of 2023.

My internship will take place in countries in Latin America and Caribbean.

I am applying for a short term summer internship, and not a research fieldwork.