CeMeCA's Events
Fall 2022 - Spring 2023

Monthly Seminar Series on Corruption & Impunity (Session 1)
October 6, 2022
Session 1: The Value of Network Analysis in International Peace-Building Operations
This session will refer to the international mechanisms against corruption and impunity from the complex approach to discuss the need for strategies on criminal network control to ensure long-term results and lower illicit and criminal interactions in the countries.
This event is virtual and will be delivered in Spanish.
Click HERE to register.

3er. Seminario de la Red de Investigación, Alimentación, Migración, Ambiente y Salud (AMAS): Interconexiones entre el ambiente, migración y alimentación en los migrantes en tránsito por México
October 14, 2022
La inseguridad alimentaria, entendida como la falta de disponibilidad, acceso o utilización constante de alimentos adecuados, es un determinante clave de la salud actual y futura de las personas, además de ser un impulsor clave de la migración. En los grupos móviles, la inseguridad alimentaria suele ser una experiencia común pues se presenta en todas las etapas del proceso migratorio poniendo en riesgo su salud y seguridad. En este seminario consideramos el impacto del ambiente incluyendo el clima y el acceso a agua sobre la alimentación y por ende la salud de los que migran transitando por México, con el propósito de considerar posibles estrategias para afrontar y reducir el impacto de los efectos ambientales.
* This event will be in Spanish / Este evento será en español.
Click HERE to register.

Fruit of Their Labor: Film Screening & Conversation With Director
October 20, 2022
The Institute of Latin American Studies, in conjunction with The Institute for the Study of Human Rights, the Center for Mexico and Central America, and the Center for the Study of Ethnicity and Race, invite you to a film screening of Fruit of Their Labor, a film by Marc McAndrews. After the screening, ISHR Director Joseph Slaughter will moderate a conversation between the filmmaker and Ph.D. student Andrea Penman-Lomeli.
Click HERE to register.

Epifanio: Memories of an Immigrant Child
October 24, 2022
Join us for a screening and Q&A discussion of the short film
Epifanio has lived crossing national, linguistic, cultural, class, race, ethnicity, and belonging borders since he was born. When he was eight years old, he crossed the Altar desert to join his father in the United States—What happened there changed his life forever.
With this autobiographical documentary, Epifanio embarks on a journey through memory to narrate what it means to be a child, indigenous and migrant, inside and outside his own country.
This event will be in-person: International Affairs Building, Room 802 (420 West 118th St, New York, NY 10027).

Book Presentation: Historia mínima del comunismo y el anticomunismo en el debate mexicano
October 26, 2022
- Daniel Kent Carrasco (Co-author), Historian at Institute of Historical Research UNAM, Mexico City.
- Carlos Illades (Co-author), Professor at Autonomous Metropolitan University Cuajimalpa, Mexico City.
- Bruno Bosteels (Moderator), Professor at Columbia University, New York.
This will be in Spanish, and it is a hybrid event:
In-person: International Affairs Building, Room 802 (420 West 118th St, New York, NY 10027)
Remote: click HERE to register.

On Deconstruction as a Social Bond: Field notes on 17, Institute of Critical Studies (Mexico City), 2001-2022
October 28, 2022
17, Instituto de Estudios Críticos was established in Mexico City, in 2001. Its founding trope was the Blind Photographer and its original intuition was that of a silence-producing machine. Over the last two decades it has given forth to an archipelago of sorts, including the first Spanish-speaking accredited postgraduate programs in Critical Theory, a Center for Advanced Studies, a publishing house, a consultancy, and an online radio station. How can its contributions be related to its essential intention to put in motion a deconstructive social bond? And how might such a bond exceed the span of Jacques Derrida’s own formulation of the University Without Condition?
In-person: International Affairs Building, Room 802 (420 West 118th St, New York, NY 10027).
Zoom: click HERE to register.

Corruption on Trial: Investigating the Honduran Narcostate Through the U.S. Federal Courts
November 18, 2022
In the past decade, more than a dozen Hondurans from the country's political, security and business circles have been tried for offenses related to drug-trafficking in U.S. federal court. The tens of thousands of pages of records produced in the course of these trials provide an extraordinarily rich portrait of the role of narcotrafficking in Honduran politics and security forces, and in cross-border businesses and money-flows. A binational team of investigative journalists, Danielle Mackey and Jennifer Ávila, are building a database to make this information available to journalists, academics, activists, and the general public, as they pursue their own journalistic investigations into the material.
This year, CeMeCA will provide student interns for the project and help the project leaders connect to relevant resources elsewhere in the University.
Click HERE to register.

Monthly Seminar Series on Corruption & Impunity (Session 2)
November 29, 2022
Session 2: Macro-Criminal Networks, Interventions, and Prosecution
Join us for a discussion of network structures and dynamics among narcotic and criminal gangs, public servants, politicians, and businesses, as well as the need for strategies for criminal network interventions and control.
Click HERE to register.
*This event is virtual and will be conducted in Spanish*

Monthly Seminar Series on Corruption & Impunity (Session 3)
December 7, 2022
Session 3: Are the international integrity standards and risk measurement assessments considering procurement network ecosystems?
Join us for a debate on how global integrity efforts can integrate network analysis and a systemic approach to the complex phenomenon of procurement standards. In this session, we will discuss procurement ecosystems, in which interactions between business personnel and government agencies shape networks in bidding and award processes.
Click HERE to register.
*This event is virtual and will be conducted in Spanish*

New York City Latin American History Workshop
February 3, 2023
Stephanie Huezo-Jefferson (Fordham), "Continuinty in the 'Promise Land': Resistance as Embodied Memory in San José las Flores, El Salvador"
Pre-registration required by 5pm on the Wednesday before the event.
Baruch College
Newman Vertical Campus (55 Lexington Ave.) Room 8-210
(Near Subway Stations: 6 - 23 St, R & W - 23 St , F & M - 23 St.)

Monthly Seminar Series on Corruption & Impunity (Session 4)
February 23, 2023
Session 4: Control & Prosecution of Corruption within Criminal Networks
Join us for a thought-provoking discussion on innovative tools to uncover the fundamental reasons and strategies for curbing the interconnected actions of powerful elites to alleviate corruption in contexts of weak state institutions and inadequate law enforcement.
This event is virtual and delivered in Spanish & English.
Click HERE to register.

Pursuing Graduate Opportunities for Latinx Students: Mentoring and Advice from Graduate Students
February 9, 2023
Join ILAS for a mentorship event with current graduate students who will share their experiences applying to and being in graduate school across a variety of disciplines.
We will have Latin American and Latine graduate students from SIPA, TC, Columbia Business School, Columbia Law School, STEM PhDs, and Journalism, among others.
Click HERE to register.

The Erosion of Democracy in El Salvador, Guatemala, and Honduras
February 14, 2023
Carlos Dada is the Founder and Director of El Faro, the renowned Central American newspaper. Dada has been recognized with the Maria Moors Cabot Award and in 2022 was named a World Press Freedom Hero by the International Press Institute. He has been a fellow at the New York Public Library's Cullman Center for Writers and Scholars and is a Knight Fellow at Stanford University. He is the author of some of the most emblematic chronicles of Central America in the last decade.
Nina Alvarez is a journalist, documentarian and video photographer, and she was a production associate on the documentary, Turning Point on ABC News.
Eduardo Moncada is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Political Science at Barnard College, Columbia University

Book Presentation: Feminisms in Latin America: pro-choice nested networks in Mexico & Brazil
February 27, 2023
Join us for the book presentation of "Feminisms in Latin America: pro-choice nested networks in Mexico & Brazil" with the authors:
- Debora Rezende de Almeida, Professor at the University of Brasilia & Visiting Scholar at the Political Science Department at Columbia University.
- Gisela Zaremberg, Professor at the Facultad Latinoamericana de Ciencias Sociales (FLACSO) Mexico.
*This event will be hybrid*
- In-person: International Affairs Building, Room 802
- Zoom: Click HERE to register.

New York City Latin American History Workshop
March 3, 2023
Andrei Guadarrama (Columbia), "Automobiles, Urban Business, and Industrialization in Mexico City, 1920-1940"
Pre-registration required by 5pm on the Wednesday before the event.
Baruch College
Newman Vertical Campus (55 Lexington Ave.) Room 8-210
(Near Subway Stations: 6 - 23 St, R & W - 23 St , F & M - 23 St.)

Cuban Exodus: Causes & Consequences
March 21, 2023
Susan Eckstein is a professor in the Pardee School of Global Studies and in the Sociology Department at Boston University.
Guillermo J. Grenier is Professor of Sociology, Department of Global and Sociocultural Studies, Florida International University, State University of Florida.
Click HERE to register.

Las Abogadas: Film Screening and Conversation
March 23, 2023
Join us for a screening & conversation on Las Abogadas, a documentary about women immigration attorneys on the front lines of the migrant crisis.
Las Abogadas centers around brave women attorneys standing up to insurmountable odds. Beginning in 2018, Rebecca Eichler, Mulu Alemayehu, Charlene D’Cruz and Jodi Goodwin find their usual legal tools being systematically twisted, thwarted, and pulled out from under their critical work by the United States Government’s chaotic, anti-immigrant policy changes.
The film illustrates these women and their clients' heartbreaking and heartwarming refugee stories.
Click HERE to register.
Click HERE to watch the trailer.
Click HERE to learn more about the project.

Monthly Seminar Series on Corruption & Impunity (Session 5)
March 28, 2023
Session 5: Anti-Corruption Interventions Using Network Approach
The session will focus on reviewing concrete examples and methodologies that are currently shaping empirical and practical activities within the government's anti-corruption arena. Join us to gain valuable insights from experts in the field.
This event is virtual and will be delivered in English
To register, click here.

Crossing the Darien: Migration to the US
April 5, 2023
Join us for a panel discussion on migration to the US featuring the work of photographer Federico Rios.
- Federico Rios, Colombian documentary photographer focusing on social issues in Latin America
- Elora Mukherjee, Jerome L. Greene Clinical Professor of Law at Columbia University
- Nara Milanich, Professor of History at Barnard College
- Daniel Naujoks, Director of the International Organization/United Nations specialization at Columbia University's SIPA
- Nadja Drost, Pulitzer Prize and Emmy Award-winning journalist and documentary filmmaker
To register, click here.

Monthly Seminar Series on Corruption & Impunity (Session 6)
April 19, 2023
Session 6: Innovations in Corruption Measurement: Transitioning to Policy-and Data-Driven Approaches
The session will focus on Efforts to measure corruption are increasingly focusing on real policy needs and data requirements. Spurred by big data and machine learning, new and more sophisticated methods are being employed to identify, predict, and monitor corrupt activity. Join us to discuss how improved measurements allow smarter interventions at the subnational, sectoral, and organizational levels.
To register, click here.